October 2014 Newsletter-Welcome


Goodwin Chivas & Co. Newsletter - October 2014 Edition

Welcome to our October newsletter. 

This month we look at the implications of the Federal Government's reduction or removal of some business concessions from 1 January 2014 with our 
Small Business Concession Case Studies

New super rules are set to impact employers over the next 12 months. We provide a 
step-by-step guide to SuperStream to help employers prepare

The ATO is giving taxpayers the opportunity to voluntarily disclose foreign income and assets with reduced penalties via an 
amnesty on Unreported offshore income which ceases in December. We provide all the details including the benefits of making voluntary disclosure and the risks of non-compliance. 

Finally we look at the current turmoil the local share market is in and the current global economic outlook in our article 
The market is in turmoil but is it all doom and gloom?

You can read the articles by selecting them from the menu at your left or click on the links in the text above. 

Our aim is to make better use of your time and keep you updated on matters affecting your business and family life. If you have any questions from any of the articles please 
contact your Manager or Partner at Goodwin Chivas & Co.

The Goodwin Chivas & Co. team

The Goodwin Chivas & Co. team

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